Importance of Shukr - Islamic Short Stories

Importance of Shukr - Islamic Short Stories - A beautiful story moment about Importance of Shukr from the life of Hazrat Musa Alayah salaam.
Importance of Shukr - Islamic Short Stories

Assalamu Alaykum everyone, today in "Importance of Shukr" blog, I'm going to share a riwayat/moment from the life of Hazrat Musa Alayah salaam.
Once upon a time, Hazrat Musa Alaeyh Salaam was going somewhere, on the way he met a man who was very rich, he had gardens, camels and a lot of wealth. 
He said to Hazrat Musa Alaeyh Salaam
"I am very Rich ,Allah has given me everything more than I can handle ,I'm thankful to Allah for everything but now I don't want more wealth because I can't handle all of this so whenever you do talk/conversation with Allah then ask him to stop giving me this all wealth which I can't handle"
Then after listening rich man, Hazrat Musa Alaeyh Salaam met another man who was very poor he was sitting in the sand, even he had no clothes and was covering his body(Private Parts) with sand. He said to Hazrat Musa Alaeyh Salaam
"Look at me, how much I'm poor and needy I don't even have clothes to wear nor food to eat so it's my request to you that whenever you do talk/conversation with Allah then ask Him to look upon me and on my condition, ask Him to make my conditions better like others"
so when Hazrat Musa Alaeyh Salaam got in a conversation with Allah Subhana Watala, he presented both people's requests/issues to  Allah Subhana Watala, then after a conversation with  Allah Subhana Watala,  Hazrat Musa Alaeyh Salaam went back to both of them.
Hazrat Musa Alaeyh Salaam met again with a rich person and told him that :
"Allah Subhana Watala said that He will stop giving you all these wealth/blessings  if you stop doing thanks to Allah at all "
then the rich person replied :
"How I can stop doing thanks to Allah Subhana Watala who gave me all this wealth and blessings so it's impossible for me to stop doing thanks to Allah Subhana Watala " 
then Hazrat Musa Alaeyh Salaam went to a poor person and told him that :
" Allah Subhana Watala said that for His blessings all you need to do is to start doing thanks to Allah Subhana Watala "
then after listening Hazrat Musa Alaeyh Salaam, the poor man replied :
"For what I should start doing thanks to Allah? I have nothing, I don't have money, clothes & food so why I should do thanks to Allah "
Then on that moment with the will of Allah Subhana Watala, the wind blew and the sand flew away from his body with which he was covering his body(private parts) and then he got naked.
From this moment/story we get a lesson that even that sand with which he was covering his body was a blessing from Allah Subhana Watala.
So purpose to share this story with all of you that we should do thanks to Allah Subhana Watala for every single blessing and things He gave us and we should be thankful to Him in every condition. 
SOURCE: From the lecture of Qasim Ali Shah and I have also listened to this riwayat personally on many occasions.
 I hope you guys liked this story "Importance of Shukr - Islamic Short Stories" from the life of Hazrat Musa Alaeyh Salaam. I recommend all of you to share this beautiful true moment from Islamic history with your friends and family! Jazak Allah :)

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