
Modest Woman - Islamic Short Stories

Modest Woman - Islamic Short Stories   -   A beautiful story moment about Modest Woman from the life of our  Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Assalamu Alaykum everyone, today in "Modest Woman" blog post, I'm going to share a riwayat/moment from the life of  Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ . It is stated in "Tabrani" on the authority of Hadhrat Abu Imamah. There was a woman she was known to be a prostitute and shameless woman in society. One day this woman went to visit our Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ when he was taking food. The woman requested the Prophet for some food. When the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ offered her some food, she insisted that she want that food which is inside the mouth of our Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ . Prophet took out food from his mouth and gave it to that woman who ate it up. Before all of this, the woman was well-known to be shameless, but with the blessing of eating the morsel/food from the Prophet's mouth, she filled up with Noor/Light inside h...

Two Gardens - Islamic Short Stories

Two Gardens - Islamic Short Stories   -   A beautiful story moment about Two Gardens from Islamic History. Assalamu Alaykum everyone, today in "Two Gardens" blog post, I'm going to share a beautiful and motivational Islamic Short Story from Islamic History. Once upon a Time...In a long forgotten town, there lived two men, one of them was poor but he believed in Allah, thankful to Allah, well pleased with his life and happy with what Allah has provided him. The other, however, was rich and Allah has given him two beautiful and bountiful gardens, full of ripe fruits and green topped trees. Rivers flowed through the gardens. Allah also gave him tremendous wealth and castles. This rich man was arrogant, greedy with his wealth, discrediting Allah for His blessings and never thankful for the great bounty of Allah. One day he went into one of his gardens pointing to what it has of castles and fruit, he said in full arrogance: "These gardens, castles and weal...

Kebabs - Miracle Short Story | Islamic Short Stories

Kebabs - Miracle Short Story | Islamic Short Stories   -   A beautiful story moment about kebabs from the life of our  Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Assalamu Alaykum everyone, today in "Kebabs" blog post, I'm going to share a riwayat/moment from the life of  Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ . "Once upon a time, a Jewish man prepared kebabs of meat and he did put poison in the meat which he was supposed to use in kebabs, so he went to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ where he was sitting with other sahaba's. Jewish man presented kebabs to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and he said  "I prepared these kebabs for you, so kindly please taste them and let me know hows the kebabs." Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was going to take a piece of kebab from the plate and at that moment with the will of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, meat in kebabs itself started talking to only Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to let him know that he should not eat these kebabs because they are poisonous as Jewish put poison in them. Pr...

Salvation and Truth - Islamic Short Stories

Salvation and Truth - Islamic Short Stories   -   A beautiful story moment about Salvation and Truth from the life of our Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Assalamu Alaykum everyone, today in "Salvation and Truth" blog post, I'm going to share a riwayat/moment from the life of  Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ . Once upon a time,  Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ  was going somewhere so prophet has heard the voice"  Ya Rasoolallah ", prophet checked out here and there but no person was there, after few seconds voice came again,  Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ   on checking again   found that there was a deer(doe) on the ground tied from the string with bed and she was the one who was calling u again and again. Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ came to her(doe) to ask her what's the matter? She replied, " Ya Rasoolallah your Sahaba took me here and tied me here with string  now I belong to him but I have little kids(fawns) out there at the peak of the mountai...

Importance of Shukr - Islamic Short Stories

Importance of Shukr - Islamic Short Stories   -   A beautiful story moment about Importance of Shukr from the life of  Hazrat Musa Alayah salaam. Assalamu Alaykum everyone, today in "Importance of Shukr" blog, I'm going to share a riwayat/moment from the life of Hazrat Musa Alayah salaam. Once upon a time, Hazrat Musa Alaeyh Salaam was going somewhere, on the way he met a man who was very rich, he had gardens, camels and a lot of wealth.  He said to Hazrat Musa Alaeyh Salaam " I am very Rich   ,Allah has given me everything   more than I can handle  ,I'm thankful to Allah for everything but  now I  don't  want more wealth because I can't handle all of this so whenever you  do  talk /conversation  with Allah  then  ask him to stop giving me this all  wealth which I can't handle" Then after listening rich man, Hazrat Musa Alaeyh Salaam met another man who was very poor he was sitting in the san...